Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Grayson at 1 Month Old!!

I cannot believe my baby boy is already 1 month old! He is getting so big & growing too fast! And he still has the most hair I've ever seen on a baby! 
I am enjoying every minute of Motherhood!!!
 G surprised me this morning and took a 5 hour nap :) 
-Sleeps 4 straight hours at night
{2am-6am, he's a great sleeper}
-Eating 3-4 oz. about every 4 hours  
{he is still nursing at night & early morning and I'm pumping during the day to build up a supply}
-We are still supplementing with formula 
{since my milk supply got off to a slow start b/c of the extreme nausea the first week home}
-Still in Newborn clothes
-Smiles randomly, usually when he is asleep
-Makes the cutest facial expressions & cooing noises
-Recognizes sounds & turns toward them
-Moves head side to side
-Moves hands to face
-Can hold his head up solo for a minute or two
-Discovered his hands
-He is so alert & aware of everything
-He is holding his head up pretty good during tummy time 
-He is staying awake a little more during the day
-To be held
-To be rocked
-To be cuddled
-To be swaddled
-His swing
-Evening strolls
-Car rides
-Tub tub time
-Looking at faces
-Sitting in the boppy
-Laying in the newborn napper part of the pack n play 
{he just looks around & moves his arms around}
-Napping with his arms up by his head
-Sleeping with his hands by his face {see the last picture above}
-If we swaddle him too tight & he can't get his hands by his face
-Taking pictures when he is cold

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